
Apple: Aplicatia ” Hottest Girls ” eliminata din ITunes

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Apple a eliminat astazi din ITunes programul  “Hottest Girl” pentru Iphone deoarece developerul acestei aplicatii a inceput sa afiseze fotografii cu femei dezbracate :)  Mai multe puteti citi aici

Apple has reversed itself on the ‘Hottest Girls’ app for the iPhone. The company briefly allowed the software into the App Store on Thursday, but then removed it after the developer started showing pictures of topless women.

Availability of the app made it appear that Apple may have loosened its strict prohibitions on adult content in the store. But Apple pulled the software, and made it clear its policies are still the same.

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Google va lansa GPhone


Se pare ca Google impreuna cu compania Verizon si-au unit pana la urma fortele pentru a lansa GPhone anuntand deja intentia de a comercializa primele telefoane GPhone in a doua jumatate a anului 2008. In acest fel se dechide o competitie intensa intre Apple cu AT&T si Google cu Verzion din care va avea de castiga… consumatorul :)

Puteti citi mai multe detalii aici, aici, aici si aici un zvon conform caruia asa va arata viitorul gphone.

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