Jun 27
Apple a eliminat astazi din ITunes programul “Hottest Girl” pentru Iphone deoarece developerul acestei aplicatii a inceput sa afiseze fotografii cu femei dezbracate
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Apple has reversed itself on the ‘Hottest Girls’ app for the iPhone. The company briefly allowed the software into the App Store on Thursday, but then removed it after the developer started showing pictures of topless women.
Availability of the app made it appear that Apple may have loosened its strict prohibitions on adult content in the store. But Apple pulled the software, and made it clear its policies are still the same.
Jun 27
Odata cu moartea lui Michael Jackon a crescut enorm si cererea pentru muzica lui. Vanzarile au crescut atat de mult incat toate stocurile s-au epuizat foarte repede iar producatorii de CD/DVD-uri nu mai fac fata cererii.
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Jun 26
China a acuzat ieri google ca promoveaza pornografia. Drept urmare a blocat accesul complet la gigantul american. Si uite asa mai respira putin si internetul 
Ce spun oficialii chinezi ?
“We have found that the English version of google.com has spread lots of pornographic, lewd and vulgar content, which is in serious violation of Chinese laws and regulations,” said foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang at a news briefing. He said authorities summoned Google representatives and told them to “remove the material immediately.”
Ce recomanda americanii ( foarte tare:) ) “Washington called on Beijing to scrap its order for personal computers to be equipped with Internet-filtering software.”
Se mai suna de 2-3 ori intre ei si ajung ei la o intelegere.
Toata stirea o gasiti aici
Jun 26
Incetarea din viata a megastarului, Michael Jackson, a generat blocarea unor servicii internet twitter, google (pentru o scurta perioada de timp), youtube ( se misca f. greu). Pe amazon.com cele mai vandute 15 albume sunt ale lui Michael Jackson. Pe iTunes de asemenea, vanzarile au crescut exploziv. Toata lumea vorbeste pe internet si nu numai de Michael Jackson. Practic… Michael Jackson a luat o parte din internet cu el dincolo…
The biggest showbiz story of the year saw the troubled star take a good slice of the Internet with him, as the ripples caused by the news of his death swept around the globe.
“Between approximately 2:40 p.m. PDT and 3:15 p.m. PDT today, some Google News users experienced difficulty accessing search results for queries related to Michael Jackson,” a Google spokesman told CNET, which also reported that Google News users complained that the service was inaccessible for a time. At its peak, Google Trends rated the Jackson story as “volcanic.”
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RIP Michael Jackson
Jun 26
Cooliris has just released a new version of its add-on that lets users run multiple instances of its media browsing wall in different tabs of the same browser. Previously, the only way to get it to run like this was to open it in different browsers. This way you can have one tab open to search YouTube videos, another that’s browsing online photos, and a third that’s playing a TV show off of Cooliris’ Hulu.com interface.
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