Chinezii au interzis la Google

Chinezii au interzis la Google

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China a acuzat ieri google ca promoveaza pornografia. Drept urmare a blocat accesul complet la gigantul american. Si uite asa mai respira putin si internetul :)

Ce spun oficialii chinezi ?

We have found that the English version of has spread lots of pornographic, lewd and vulgar content, which is in serious violation of Chinese laws and regulations,” said foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang at a news briefing. He said authorities summoned Google representatives and told them to “remove the material immediately.

Ce recomanda americanii ( foarte tare:) ) “Washington called on Beijing to scrap its order for personal computers to be equipped with Internet-filtering software.

Se mai suna de 2-3 ori intre ei si ajung ei la o intelegere.

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