Umbla zvonul prin targ ca Apple are de gand sa lanseze in toamna ( in octombrie mai exact ) un device de tip apple tablet
ceva similar tablet pc-urilor.
The rumors may be getting closer to the truth, or vice versa, as a report surfaced from Taiwan today that Apple plans to releases its much discussed tablet computer this October. Guesstimated pricing: $800.
The Taiwanese site InfoTimes reports (in Chinese) that the device will have a 9.7-inch touchscreen, making it a tad smaller than most netbooks but adding touchcreen features and iPod mystique.
October would be a reasonable time for such an announcement, since Apple would be unlikely to announce much before availability in its stores, and such an announcement would be close enough to Christ
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Taguri: apple, apple tablet, computere, lansari, zvonuri
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