
UE isi arata muschiuletii lu` Google: Sterge imaginile Google Street View!

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The European Union has ordered Google to take down its Street View images after six months instead of 12 months. The EU’s Article 29 Data Protection Working Party also wants warnings when Google’s Street View cameras visit a neighborhood. An analyst says Google has been arrogant with concerns about Street View and is paying the price.

Ce nu inteleg eu de ce numai Google sa le stearga? cand mai sunt servicii similare de tip street view? Ori le sterg toti ori niciunul!

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Update la Google Analytics


Today, we’re announcing a new set of Google Analytics features which builds on last year’s enterprise-class feature launch. Some add more power to existing capabilities. Others provide new flexibility to further customize and adapt Google Analytics according to the needs of your enterprise. Finally, we’ll introduce Analytics Intelligence. Resist the temptation to skip ahead. We wouldn’t want you to miss anything. :-)

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Cateva schimbari pe Google Maps

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USA: Google Maps has switched from Tele Atlas map data to Google’s own database for the US. It’s only a year ago that Google gave NAVTEQ the boot and signed a five-year global agreement with Tele Atlas instead.

Tele Atlas confirmed that Google will continue to use Tele Atlas data for the rest of the world, but declined to comment on how the switch affects the existing agreement that also gave Tele Atlas access to Google Maps user input, including in the US.

An industry source suggests that Google has also signed an agreement with Automotive Navigation Data (AND) to use its street-level map data for a number of countries in Western Europe. Google did originally use AND’s map data for Africa, but it is unclear whether that deal fell through when the Tele Atlas agreement became effective.

However, Google is gradually expanding its own database all over the world, with its Street View vehicles mapping roads in the US, Canada, Australia & New Zealand, the UK, France, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, the Czech Republic, Romania, Finland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Taiwan and South Africa. Street View vehicles have also been spotted in Norway and Japan.


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Romania este prezenta pe Google Maps!


Google a introdus de astazi Romania pe serviciul Google Maps.

Pentru acest lucru trebuie sa multumim tuturor celor care au participat voluntar la cartografierea Romaniei (Exemple:  Bucuresti, Targu-Jiu, Alba Iulia )  prin intermediul Google Map Maker. Serviciul Google Map Maker permite oricarei persoane care are un cont google sa contribuie la cartografierea oraselor, satelor atat prin drumuri cat si prin puncte de interes. In acest moment harta prezenta pe Google Maps nu este cea care este este prezenta pe Google Maps Maker, fiind mai veche cu un delay de cateva saptamani. La urmatorul update hartile vor arata mult mai bine.

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Google Map Maker – Mic tutorial despre cum sa construim harti (1)

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Mai jos veti gasi un  mic howto pentru Google Map Maker. Daca voi pierde in vedere anumite aspecte sa-mi spuneti si le voi adauga aici. Let’s go!

In prima parte este vorba despre denumirea drumurilor:

1.1 Vom folosi tot cuvantul, fara prescurtari ( Strada, Bulevardul, Aleea, Intrarea, Calea , Splaiul etc ) ( Exemplu:  Strada Carpati )
1.2 Denumirea propriu zisa a drumului  sa fie scrisa numai cu litere mari ( Bulevardul Drumul Taberei )
1.3 Daca denumirea drumului contine si Prof, Dr,  Ing, etc vom pune virgula dupa denumirea strazii urmata de Dr. , Prof. ( Exemplu: Strada Ene Radu , Ing. )
1.4 Desi mie imi place mai putin,  este indicat sa folosim diacriticile, chiar daca este posibil ca unii dintre noi sa pierdem mai mult .

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